To find a reputable psychic in your ares or interest is like strolling into an antique market and trying to read the value of any random antique. They ALL look like antiques. So that unpolished silver set could be worth $100, $1000, or $10,000. Unless you know what you’re shopping for and educated in the market, it’s awfully difficult to read its valuation or what the merchant is selling it for. Is that antique oil painting an low-value original by an unknown artist? or an extremely valuable reproduction? It’s hard to know if you are getting your money’s worth. And what may look more valuable to you often is not valuable at all.
Online psychics are same way. As you search through those with different types of psychic abilities online, you would be wise to take more than face value into account. I’ve outlined some of my favourite strategies for finding a good online psychic. But even more importantly, I’ll also offer a few tips on what specifically to look for:
- Yahoo & Google – 95% or more of the internet searches all go through these search engines. You’d better get familiar with Google, Yahoo, and Bing (MSN) if you’re not already. I like to search for long phrases like the title of this post or “free online psychic readings” or something similar. Once the search results come up, ignore the sponsored or paid ads at the very top and right side of the search results. Instead, click on several sites from the first 1-2 pages of results. Look for psychics with their own sites, psychics listed or services offered or mentioned by psychic resources sites (ie. like this one). It’s an introduction to divine and human readings that you simply can’t get any other way.
- Forums – There are a number of high profile and well-frequented psychic forums where psychics, sceptics, clients, and experts in the field hang out and discuss various topics and issues. The psychic community is a large one and varies greatly depending on what part of the world you are in. Explore forums. I’ve learned TONS of stuff about the psychic arts through forums. And you may event get to chat with a psychic online for free.
- Craigslist – I consider this the garage sale site for anything including psychics. Beware using this vehicle to find an online psychic. There are fraudsters and scammers who can lurk there. However, it’s worth the risk because you will find many moderately and lower priced psychics who advertise on This is useful for local offline as well as online psychics. In my opinion it’s still a great source. If you’re in Canada, try as well.
- Referrals – When you’re looking for a good plumber, you ask around. When you are looking for a good dry cleaner, cleaning service, landscaper, or painter etc. you probably ask around and get referrals. The online world is great for referrals. You can get referrals without even knowing the people giving them. Sites like Yahoo answers, forums and blogs will all have “comments” sections where you can find people posting links to their favourite online psychic.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Check out the psychic’s website, facebook page, follow them on Twitter, etc. It’s important to get a solid feel from them. Some of the best online psychics will give you a full or partial reading for free. That’s a good sign that they are confident in their own quality and delivery. My last tip once you find the psychic you like is to type is “John Smith [or whatever your online psychic’s name is] scam”. If results come up, investigate them and evaluate for yourself. That helped me steer clear of pesky charlatans! (yes, I’m using that word!). Good Luck – I hope this helps you find a psychic!
Great writing! You should definitely follow up on this topic =D
-Best regards
I like what you have written, I am a Spiritual Medium and I am finding it harder and harder to help people find me, I do go with referrals but sometimes people won’t pass on my name as they think they have found gold and don’t want others taking that from them LOL. I refrain from craigs list because i dont want people to think I was just out for money. anyway good luck to all 🙂